CMYK is a chromatographic mode used in color printing. It uses the principle of color mixing of the three primary colors of the colorant, plus black ink, and a total of four colors are mixed and becomes "full-color printing." The four standard colors are:
C: Cyan
M: Magenta also known as "Magenta"
Y: Yellow
K: blacK
The biggest attraction of the Tamkang Architectural Graduation
Exhibition has always been its diversity. The themes of the works range from topical to material experimental types, ranging from physical construction to urban design. The history of architecture has accumulated nearly 30 centuries so far. At the moment of 2021 we see the huge development of various types of buildings, representing corresponding values in their respective fields. As there is no standard color on the palette, and the pigments are diluted and mixed. Color becomes possible. Carrying control and inadvertent accidents, as the foundation of the color world, works and works do not conflict with each other, and through mutual collision and overlap, shape our ideal future.
Architecture is the paint under the color palette of the city, creating a unique color for each era. They bloom independently and mix with each other.
-How to define the color of buildings in this era
-How to define the color of graduation design
-How to define the color of Tamkang 53
-How to define each person's unique color